Leave Us a Voice Memo​

"Is it just me? Am I the only one who can't get my kid to go to school ?"

Leave your voice memo here, or send to [email protected].

  1. Jot down some bullet points so you’ve got a clear idea about what you’re going to say before you create your voice memo.
  2. Hit record, then start with your name, and let us know where you’re from. 
  3. Record a short message (less than 30 seconds is preferable), then hit save. 

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

I look forward to listening to the podcast every morning. Every episode is different and gives me something to think about for the rest of the day.

This podcast has helped me immensely with becoming a new father. It helps me feel confident in my ability to make good decisions when dealing with difficult situations. It has been an anchor that helps weather the storms.

This podcast is like a safety net- when I feel like I’m failing and struggling in Motherhood, this podcast catches me and helps me back up. Justin and Kylie are so warm and comforting to listen to, and I love that they keep it real with their listeners. I’m very grateful I found this podcast!

The Happy families podcast is designed for the time poor parent who just wants answers now.

Every day Dr Justin and his wife Kylie provide practical tips and a common sense approach to parenting that Mums and Dads all over the world are connecting with. Justin and Kylie have 6 daughters and they regularly share their experiences of managing a busy household filled with lots of challenges and plenty of happiness.

For real and practicable advice from people who understand and appreciate the challenges of a time poor parent, listen to Justin and Kylie and help make your family happier.