The Do’s & Don’ts of Discipline




SKU: SP_W_024_DDD Category:


Discipline is THE most contentious part of parenting. There are so many different ideas about it and it’s confusing for parents – especially when you try a discipline strategy and it doesn’t work. Is your child just different to all the others? Or is there ‘text book’ discipline and ‘real life’ discipline?

But what if everything we thought we knew about discipline was wrong? What if we only discipline the way we do because 200 years ago, some well-meaning religious leaders created a discipline system that we still adhere to, even without understanding why we do it, and why it’s wrong?

This webinar is for every parent who has ever been so desperate to get their kids to ‘behave’ that they’ve tried Triple P, Super-Nanny, 1-2-3 Magic, and pretty much everything else out there, and still found themselves stuck. You’ll discover:

  • Why the centuries-old strategies we still cling to should be left in the past
  • How we get discipline wrong and why
  • Real world examples of discipline that are as imperfect as you and your kids, but that still work, and
  • Ideas for discipline that turn everything you thought you knew about the topic on its head.

This is one discipline webinar you won’t want to miss. Whether your child is 2 or 42 (yes, I’m talking about your partner!).

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1 hour webinar recording


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