Miss-Connection Webinar


Why Your Teenage Daughter “Hates” You, Expects the World, and Needs to Talk



SKU: SP_W_010_MC Category:


What do teenage girls wish they could talk to us about?

‘I’m sick of pretending to be happy all the time.’

‘My face; if anyone is ever going to love me despite how grotesque my face is.’

‘I sometimes don’t want to be here.’

There has never been a better time to be a teenage girl. But perhaps there has never been a harder time. We know that connection is at the heart of our teenage daughters’ happiness. And we do our best to have strong connections with our girls. But despite this, we often feel a disconnect. Or perhaps, more precisely, a mis-connect.

If you’re looking to understand your teen daughter better and deepen your connection with her, these Miss-connection resources will be your guide. Drawing on cutting-edge psychology research along with interviews and surveys from close to 400 teenage girls, Miss-connection will take you into the world your teen girl experiences and help you connect with her the way she needs you to. As the girls themselves set out the challenges they face – with social media, friends, boys, identity – you will find connection and solutions.

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1 hour webinar recording


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