Championing Neurodiversity (Whole School Licence)


Helping Children Thrive in a Neurotypical World



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ANSWERS with Dr JUSTIN COULSON is a live virtual seminar series for all schools across Australia, which means you can access one of Australia’s leading parenting experts at a fraction of the usual price. Each term, a hot button issue is addressed to better support your parent community. The next topic for the 2024 school year is Championing Neurodiversity: Helping Your Child Thrive in a Neurotypical World.

Monday 19 August 2024 | 7 pm AEST

Whole school access for $660*
Or get 4 Answers with Justin sessions per year with the Happy Families School Membership (Grow & Bloom tiers only)

*Recording access for 14 days included. Price includes GST.

Life for a neurodiverse child is a journey of highs and lows, marked by the joy of mastering new skills and the challenges of setbacks. As their parent or teacher, your support is crucial.

Empower your school staff and parents with our “Championing Neurodiversity” webinar, designed specifically to equip parents and teachers with the knowledge and strategies they need to help neurodiverse children flourish. 

Who is this webinar for? 

This webinar is for educators, parents, and carers of children who are diagnosed as neurodiverse, are undergoing assessment, or are suspected to be neurodiverse.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Celebrate Unique Strengths: Recognize and nurture the unique strengths of neurodiverse children.
  • Support Individual Needs: Tailor support to meet the individual needs of each child.
  • Provide Behavioral and Emotional Support: Implement effective strategies for better behavioral and emotional support.
  • Improve Communication and Social Skills: Enhance communication and foster positive social interactions.
  • Build Resilience: Help neurodiverse children build resilience and confidence.
  • Encourage Collaboration and Advocacy: Promote collaboration and advocate for the needs of neurodiverse children.

Why Your School Should Invest:

By purchasing a whole-school license, you can ensure that every parent and teacher in your community has access to this invaluable resource. This webinar will provide your school with:

  • Provide Vital Support: Despite affecting only a portion of our school families, Dr. Justin Coulson’s Neurodiversity sessions consistently draw the highest attendance, highlighting parents’ urgent need for support.
  • Enhanced Student Outcomes: Providing teachers and parents with effective strategies can lead to better academic and social outcomes for neurodiverse students.
  • Inclusive School Culture: Promotes an inclusive and supportive school environment, fostering a sense of belonging for all students.
  • Unified Support Approach: Foster a cohesive and collaborative environment where parents and teachers work together to support neurodiverse children.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of neurodiverse children within your school community. Purchase a Whole-School License today and take the first step toward creating a more inclusive, supportive, and thriving educational environment for neurodiverse children.

Additional information


Live online event


Monday 19 August, 7pm AEST

Recording Access

14 days


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